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Duplicate Bookings Modules

Is your valuable passenger inventory tied up with duplicate bookings that will eventually result in empty seats and lost revenue, not to mention higher CRS bills? We have found that in most cases, providing a warning message to the booking agent usually resolves the duplicate. But, if you are like most airlines, you do not have extra staff to spend time every day identifying and following up on these speculative bookings. Kodiaq can be used to identify the real dupes with consistent accuracy and provide the appropriate warnings to the agent. In addition, Kodiaq can follow up on each PNR and for those cases where the agent fails to resolve the dupe, Kodiaq is able to cancel the dupe space according to your own business rules.

Duplicate PNRs


This module examines the host system for possible duplicate PNR suspects. It then determines whether to cancel the offending PNR or to add a warning remark to both PNRs for later cancellation. The module then rechecks the PNRs after the expiration of the warning remark and cancels a PNR if appropriate.


bullet Dupes are determined by comparing itinerary and names and allowing for mismatched letters, shortened given names, and similar titles.
bullet The PNR to cancel can be chosen by higher and lower class, different ticketing status, as well as status code differences.
bullet History is also compared to determine the last action on each PNR when deciding which PNR should be cancelled.
bullet Kodiaq can add different warning messages depending on the owners of the PNRs (different CRSs, host PNRs, etc.).

Duplicate Segments Within a PNR


This module examines the host system for possible duplicate segments within a PNR. It then determines whether to cancel the offending segment within the PNR or to add a warning remark and time limit for later cancellation. The module then rechecks the segments within the PNR after the expiration of the time limit and cancels any dupe segments if appropriate.


bullet Rules for determining dupe itinerary can be specified differently for domestic and international flights.
bullet You can set up city codes that should be considered the same when determining dupes.
bullet The PNR to cancel can be chosen by higher and lower class, different ticketing status, status code differences, and any connections to waitlisted segments.
bullet History is also compared to determine the latest action and to check a KL status.
bullet Connecting segments can also be cancelled.

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